Useful Books
John Lingard and the Pursuit of Historical Truth
By Edwin Jones
With a Forward by Norman Davies
First Published 2001
Sussex Academic Press, Brighton and Portland
ISBN 0-75093207-4
In 1819 John Lingard opened a new epoch in the study of English history. By challenging official history, he launched
a process of revisionism that is only recently reaching fruition.
'Lingard created single-handidly the methodology of source criticism in English historical writing - a very great
achievement for which he deserves and should at last be given full credit. It changed English historiography completely,
providing the basis for the modern writing of history as an independent and fully professional discipline, in pursuit
of the truth about the past' [Preface xxi].
By Edwin Jones
With forward by Norman Davies
Published 1998. 2nd Edition 2003
Sutton Publishing
ISBN 0 75093207 4 (pbk.)
ISBN 0 75092519 1 (pbk.).
In seven chapters Edwin Jones illustrates how those who imposed the Reformation of religion on the English people,
had to distort the teaching of a thousand years of history in an attempt to justify their policy. It explains how
the twin forces of extreme nationalism, practiced to the point of Xenophobia (hatred of foreigners) and anti-Catholicism,
were used to redefine what it meant to be 'English'.
The author has made an important contribution to the contemporary redefinition by the English of their self-image
and place in the world following the loss of empire.
But 'Church in History' must distance itself from the views expressed in the author's Introduction and Epilogue.
A distinction needs to be drawn between rejoining our European cultural family in a spirit of friendship, co-operation
and trade, and a political union involving a loss of independence. A return to a pre-Reformation relationship with
Europe does not imply loss of sovereignty. England controlled areas of France for a time, but during the thousand
years of their Catholicism, the English were never part of a European-wide Empire or state and showed not the slightest
desire to join one. Cultural unity should not be confused with political unity.
As an organisation of Catholics working in the field of religion and history, we feel particularly called upon
to make our position clear. Political decisions regarding overseas relationships in the modern world involve a
multitude of factors and these cut across religious adherence. So sadly we have to restrict our warm recommendation
of this book to its historical core.
TURMOIL & TRUTH: Historical roots of the
Modern Crisis in the Catholic Church.
By Philip Trower
Recommended by James Hitchcock, Aidan Nichols and John Saward
Published 2003
Family Publications, UK.
ISBN 1-871217-40-7
Ignatius Press, USA.
ISBN 0-89870-980-6
The author offers a long-term view of how the Church arrived at her present situation in the English-speaking world.
His central thesis is that the positive movement for reform, and the negative movements of rebellion grew up entwined
in the hundred or so years preceding Vatican II, and it was only after the Council that the division between them
became clearer.
He looks at names and labels; the intelligentsia; the laity; renewal; Modernism and many other aspects of Church
life. His comments touch on the field of Biblical historicity which is explored in one of our booklets on our main
web site. This book is a fine read for anyone desiring a clear overall outline of recent internal Church history.
A Concise History of the Crusades
By Thomas Madden
October 1999
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
ISBN: 0847694291
Thomas F Madden is associate professor of history at Saint Louis University, U.S.A.
and co-author, with Donald E. Queller, of: “The Fourth Crusade: The Conquest of Constantinople.”
An interview with Thomas Madden is available on this web site under the title: THE CRUSADES.
The Pius War: Responses to the Critics of Pius XII
Edited by Joseph Bottum and David G. Dalin
Publishers: Lexington
£22.95/€39.37 Cloth 0-7391-0906-5 Nov 28, 2004 288pp
In the brutal fight that has raged in recent years over the reputation of Pope Pius XII—leader
of the Catholic Church during World War II, the Holocaust, and the early years of the Cold War—the task of defending
the Pope has fallen primarily to reviewers. These reviewers formulated a brilliant response to the attack on Pius,
but their work was scattered in various newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals—making it nearly impossible
for the average reader to gauge the results. In The Pius War, Weekly Standard's Joseph Bottum has joined with Rabbi
David G. Dalin to gather a representative and powerful sample of these reviews, deliberately chosen from a wide
range of publications. Together with a team of professors, historians, and other experts, the reviewers conclusively
investigate the claims attacking Pius XII. The Pius War, and a detailed annotated bibliography that follows, will
prove to be a definitive tool for scholars and students—destined to become a major resource for anyone interested
in questions of Catholicism, the Holocaust, and World War II.
List of Contributors
Joseph Bottum, John S. Conway, David G. Dalin, Rainer Decker, William Doino Jr., Kevin M. Doyle, Russell Hittinger,
John Jay Hughes, Justus George Lawler, Michael Novak, Ronald Rychlak, Robert Louis Wilken
Joseph Bottum is Books & Arts editor of The Weekly Standard. David G. Dalin is Professor of History and Political
Science at Ave Maria University and the author of numerous books on American Jewry.
by Joel S. Panzer
Published by Alba House, January 1997
ISBN 0818907649
For an introduction to this book, see our main site page under BOOKLETS
The Western Rising - 1549
author: Philip Caraman SJ
published: 2010
by: Westcountry Books
Details of the Catholic Rising in Cornwall and
Devon against Cranmer's new Prayer Book.
The Stripping of the Altars
author: Eamon Duffy
Published: 1992
by: Yale University Press
Wikipedia reviews as of 7th October 2009 - click: HERE
Copyright ©; Church In History 2010
This version: 18th January 2010