VATICAN CITY, 7 MAR 2008 (VIS) - Today in the Vatican Benedict XVI received members of the Pontifical
Committee for Historical Sciences who work, the Pope said in his address to them "in a field that is of great
interest for the life of the Church".
The Holy Father noted how during the pontificate of Leo XIII, "historiography was guided by the spirit of
the times and hostile to the Church". Hence, that Pope "opened the archives of the Holy See to researchers
... in the conviction that the study and description of the true history of the Church could not but be favourable
to her".
Today "it is no longer just a question of tackling a historiography hostile to Christianity and to the Church",
he went on. "Today it is historiography itself that is going through a serious crisis, having to fight for
its very existence in a society ruled by positivism and materialism. These two ideologies have led to a boundless
enthusiasm for progress which ... influences the view of life of large sectors of society. The past thus appears
as a dark backdrop against which the present and future glitter with misleading promise".
"Typical of this mentality is a lack of interest in history", said Benedict XVI, "which translates
into the marginalisation of the historical sciences". This in turn leads to "a society which, heedless
of its own past and hence lacking criteria acquired through experience, is no longer capable of harmonious coexistence
or joint commitment in realising future aims. Such a society is particularly vulnerable to ideological manipulation.
"This danger is becoming ever greater because of an excessive emphasis given to modern history", he added,
"especially when research in this field is conditioned by a methodology which draws inspiration from positivism
and sociology", ignoring "other important aspects of historical reality, even entire epochs".
"Even when its does not specifically concern ecclesiastical history, historical analysis nonetheless contributes
to describing the life context in which the Church has carried out and continues to carry out her mission. ...
There can be no doubt that Church life and activity have always been determined (facilitated or made more difficult)
by the various historical contexts. The Church is not of this world, but she lives in it and for it".