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NEW By Dennis Barton 2017 Edition
Below you will see the orginal (2013) version of the book. Please note that the above (edited) version is much easier to read!
(The Authors of the Gospels)
By Dennis Barton (An admirer of Dom Bernard Orchard OSB) To Read the CONTENTS of the 22 Chapters
Short Introductions to above [G202] In A Few Words [G 203] A New Solution to the Synoptic Problem [G 204] The Gospels are Historical. [G 205] How 'The Synoptic Problem' was solved
[G 206] An alternative to Markan priority.
The Bible and Why Markan
Priority is False Most scholars today favor the idea that Mark’s Gospel was written before the other Gospels. This is called Markan (Marcan) Priority. I favor the traditional Catholic opinion which all Catholics believed in the first 1700 years of the Church, that St. Matthew wrote the first Gospel.
[G 207] Clement and Orchard [G213] References & Bibliography for articles [G 214] What early historians wrote [G 215] The Augustinian Hypothesis [G216] Why, How and When the Gospels? [G217] Faulty modern History [G 218] Mark’s omission of birth narrative [G 219] How Orchard made his breakthrough [G 220] Leaflet versions of [G 201] and [G 202] and [G 204] [G221] Dom Bernard Orchard OSB - A Celebration of his life. [G 222] Dei Verbum and the Synoptic Gospels (1990). By Bernard Orchard [G 223] The Making and Publication of Mark’s Gospel (1993).By Bernard Orchard [G 224] The Origin and Evolution of the Gospels (1993).By Bernard Orchard [G 225] A list of other publications by Bernard Orchard are also available (2002).
[G 295] Peter's Poor Greek
[G 296] A key 1993 presentation by Orchard***. [G 297] Jesus heals blindness [G 298] Why worry? - It doesn't matter who wrote first.
[G 299] Mark's last verses & Paul's Pastoral Epistles
[G 303] ACTS in Midst of Early Church
[G 304] What did the Experts say?
[G 306] Two Audiences
[G 307]What does Section 7 of Dei Verbum tell us?
[G308] Apostles and apostolic men
[G 309] Not 'Believes' But 'Maintains'
[G 310] A Roof without walls [G 311] The
New Catechetics in England and America [G 313] Further Speculation
MORE GENERAL ARTICLES [G 314] Peter and Mark (Humour)
[G 315] SEE SECTION 4 ON THIS SITE You will see Section 4 contains a list of the interesting Click: HERE
[G 316] Articles concerning the Bible on other sections of this site
[G 317] Old Testament-New Testament [G 318] Fundamentalism [G 319] Handy Quick Quotes
[G 320] Henry Owen's Contribution [G 321] Jerome [G 322] Oral Reports with Explanations.
[G 323] Eusebius – Book 3 – Problem?
[G 324] Griesbach OR The Clementine Gospel Tradition
[G 325] Mark's gospel records one event
[G 330] Poster for Gospels
Several of the references on this site were taken from articles on the Christendom-Awake web site. These articles are interesting to read in full, we have grouped them together for the convenience of our visitors. To read the articles below Click HERE